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Community Building
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Community Building

Ahimsa Village is committed to community building at all levels - physical, mental, spiritual.

Nonviolent Communication | Resources

Nonviolent Communication

Ahimsa is committed to the practice of nonviolent communication as espoused by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg.  The purpose of NVC is to create human connections that empower compassionate giving and receiving. NVC involves both communication skills that foster compassionate relating and consciousness of the interdependence of our well being and using power with others to work together to meet the needs of all concerned (from the Center for Nonviolent Communication Web site - www.cnvc.org).

In this light we are striving to develop "nvc consciousness" at Ahimsa.  We have a regular NVC Circle and host workshops and events focused on NVC training and practice.  In June 2008, we held a 3-day basic NVC workshop titled the ABC's of Empowering Communication.



Ahimsa Village WISDOM Circle (no longer active) - The Wise Initiatives to Support Diplomacy, Oneness, and Mindfulness (WISDOM) Circle is composed of a group of people dedicated to studying nonviolent ways of communication. In particular we use Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent Communication book as our text.

Alternatives to Violence Project - http://www.avpusa.org/
Workshops in conflict resolution and alternative ways to respond to and recognize our own violence, for prisons, community groups, and schools.

Creating a Life Together - http://creating-a-life-together.org/
Recommended book.  A unique guide to launching and sustaining successful new ecovillages and sustainable communities � and avoiding the typical mistakes in the process.

Nonviolent Communication - http://www.cnvc.org/
A global organization helping people connect compassionately with themselves and one another through Nonviolent Communication language, created by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D.

Ahimsa Village Community
� 2006-2023