Archived Page - Information is not current
Want to get involved at
Ahimsa???? Consider participating in one of the following projects:
PA Raw Vegans - Monthly raw vegan
potlucks, contact robertkf at gmail . com
if you'd like added to the email list.
Summer camp - offered 1-day per week during the summer.
We are always seeking people to share their knowledge, skills,
experiences with the children. The focus of the camp is on
reconnecting young people with the natural world.
Learn more.
Mushroom cooperative
- we grow shitake, maitake, and other mushrooms on oak logs
sustainably harvested on the land.
Maple sugaring
- we have a small mapling operation with neighbors. Joining
requires a capital investment in the equipment and sharing in the
labor of producing syrup.
- we have many organic gardens, you are welcomed to help with the
gardening in exchange for produce.
- we recently planted a permaculture orchard of diverse woody
plants, we are seeking people interested in helping maintain the
orchard in exchange for produce. Maintenance includes mowing,
mulching, pruning, weeding, etc.
Trail maintenance
- there are a network of trails on the Ahimsa land and bordering
School of Living land. Individuals, groups, or organizations
are encouraged to adopt a trail.
Saturday Night Meetings
- the Ahimsa Education Committee sponsors a series of Sustainability
Talks each Winter at the farmhouse. The talks feature local
people talking about an issue they are passionate about. We
are always seeking speakers and/or topics. Consider
Circle - one of the goals of Ahimsa is relearning more
effective and compassionate communication patterns. In that
light, Ahimsa has sponsored Nonviolent Communication workshops and
Meditation group
- we occasionally host a meditation circle. Please
contact us if you are interested in participating.