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Resources (Mostly Vegan)

Alternative Energy | Artists | Banking/Finance | Community Building | Diet - Eating | Education | Energy Conservation | Environmental | Green Building | The Home | Homesteading | Land use | Local | Permaculture | Sustainable Living | Vegan

Alternative Energy

Find Solar http://www.findsolar.com/index.php
Includes a solar estimator and links to solar installers and other resources.

Skystream http://www.skystreamenergy.com/skystream/
Complete residential wind power systems.

Artists (Vegan)

Frank Muller Photography: https://www.flickr.com/photos/frankfoto/sets/
Gifted vegan photographer located in Finger Lakes region of NY


Circle Lending. http://www.circlelending.com/
CircleLending formalizes and administers private loans between individuals

Prosper. http://prosper.com
Prosper is the leading online community for people to people lending.

Community Building

Agraria http://www.communitysolution.org/agraria.html
Plan for a post peak oil sustainable community in Ohio.  Meant to serve as a template for similar endeavors.

Center for Nonviolent Communication http://www.cnvc.org/
"A global organization helping people connect compassionately with themselves and one another through Nonviolent Communication language, created by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D."

The Community Solution http://www.communitysolution.org/index.html
Community Service, Inc is dedicated to the development, growth and enhancement of small local sustainable communities. Lots of good resources.

Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities
Companion web site to book of same title.

Intentional Community Web Site http://www.ic.org

School of Living http://www.schoolofliving.org

Diet - Eating

100 Mile Diet http://www.100milediet.org/
Join the local food movement

The China Study http://www.thechinastudy.com/
In-depth research on why the American diet is killing us.

Energy Conservation

Energy Star http://energystar.gov/

Neo-Terra http://neo-terra.org/
Local urban permaculture center and eco-consulting company located in Lamont, PA. Neo-Terra works with Individuals, households, or other groups to develop and apply principles of living lightly on a variety of projects at the client�s own site, homestead, or application. Neo-Terra has worked with clients on applications involving food production, housing retrofits including improving insulation, active and passive solar retrofits, waste water remediation, permaculture, and alternative healing approaches.



Eisenstein, Charles. The Ascent of Humanity. Harrisburg, Penn: Panenthea Press, 1994.

Van Matre, Steve. Earth Education: A New Beginning. Greenville, W. Va., U.S.A.: Institute for Earth Education, 1990.

Tuttle, Will M. The World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony. New York: Lantern Books, 2005.

Web sites

Alternative Resource Organization (AERO) http://www.educationrevolution.org/
The Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO) was founded in 1989 by Jerry Mintz. AERO is a branch of the School of Living, a non-profit organization founded in 1934 by Ralph Borsodi. AERO's goal is to advance student-driven, learner-centered approaches to education.


Cowspiracy: http://www.cowspiracy.com/
Groundbreaking documentary that examines why the "Big Green" environmental groups are ignoring the #1 contributor of greenhouse gas emissions - animal agriculture.

Livestock and Climate Change report by Robert Goodland and Jeff Anhang
Worldwatch Institute Report that shows that animal agriculture accounts for at least 32.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year, or 51 percent of annual worldwide GHG emissions.

Green Building

Build Naturally http://www.buildnaturally.com/index.htm
Sigi Koko is a Pennsylvania based green builder, designer, and educator.  Her web site has a lot of free information about green building techniques.

Free Cob builder's handbook online http://weblife.org/cob/

The Home

Home Alive http://www.homealive.ca/
HOME ALIVE! is a living showcase for eco-materials and building systems. It is a resource for construction professionals, homebuilders and owners, as well as building technology students.

Humanure Handbook http://weblife.org/humanure/
Complete text of Joe Jenkins classic book on the ultimate sustainable use of human waste.

Staber Washers http://www.staber.com/
Lowest energy and water usage residential washing machines.  Employ horizontal tub with top loading convenience.

Stoves and More http://stovesandmoreonline.com/
Distributor of Amish made cookstoves.


Countryside's Homesteading Resources http://www.countrysidemag.com/resources.php

Low-impact Living at the Eldergrove Homestead
Excellent homesteading web site. Vegan couple has been homesteading over 30 years. Includes a lot of practical information (food storage, solar drying, soils, masonry stoves, etc)

The case for Vegetarian Homesteading http://www.geopathfinder.com/9628.html
Minnesota homesteaders Larisa Walk and Bob Dahse make a great case for the benefits of vegetarian homesteading over traditional homesteading.

Land Use

Land in Common http://landincommon.org/index.html
A consulting practice dedicated to addressing the root causes of environmental degradation by assisting grassroots environmental organizations, establishing a network of land commons, and educational work.  David Harper, the founder, is a School of Living board member.


Central PA Vegans, sign up for email list here: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/centralparawvegans
Monthly meeting of people interested in plant-based eating, potluck and sometimes program.

CentreMap http://centremap.psu.edu/
CentreMap provides free and convenient access to digital mapping for Centre County. A wide variety of local mapping information is available.  Very cool site - lots of neat options.

Chris Uhl http://www.chrisuhl.net/
Local ecologist, writer, professor and activist - co-developed and teaches "Teacher as a Whole Person, Course series."

Half Acre Farm http://half-acrefarm.com/
Half Acre Farm is a small hobby farm on half an acre in State College, Pennsylvania. They practice sustainable beekeeping, homesteading, and small scale animal husbandry.

Jean Forsberg, Artist http://www.jeanforsberg.ws
Local artist, lives at Julian Woods Community.  Jean gets her inspiration from nature and living.

Neo-Terra http://neo-terra.org/
Local urban permaculture center and eco-consulting company located in Lamont, PA. Neo-Terra works with Individuals, households, or other groups to develop and apply principles of living lightly on a variety of projects at the client�s own site, homestead, or application. Neo-Terra has worked with clients on applications involving food production, housing retrofits including improving insulation, active and passive solar retrofits, waste water remediation, permaculture, and alternative healing approaches.

O-An Zendo @ Julian Woods http://oanzendo.org/index.html
O-An Zendo is a place for the teaching and practice of Zen meditation, rooted in the American experience. The meditation hall sits in the midst of 320 acres of Central Pennsylvania woodland with miles of hiking trails and abundant plant and animal life. We are part of Julian Woods Community, a member of the School of Living Land Trust. Our commitment to care for all beings is expressed through sound and sustainable ecological stewardship. Private retreats and guest residencies are available upon request.

Transition Centre http://www.transitioncentre.org/
"Transition Centre is an independent affiliate of the Transition US and UK Transition Towns network.  We are located in Centre County, exact center in Pennsylvania, in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains."  

Transition Centre County Blog http://transitioncentrecounty.wordpress.com/
Blog highlights transition related work and activities in the greater State College PA area.

Transition Centre Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/groups/116395168382501/


Dancing Green http://www.sustainableagriculture.org/
Permaculture education by Dawn Shiner.
Dawn Shiner lives simply by choice and has guided Permaculture design presentations, workshops and courses at private residences, environmental centers, universities and colleges since 1987.  She is the founder of Dancing Green, Inc. and also serves as a Regional Organizer for Gaia University.  Dawn holds an MS in Integrative EcoSocial Design with a focus on Permaculture Education from Gaia University.  Dawn offers workshops and courses in permaculture in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania as well as online.

Heathcote Permaculture Education Program. http://www.heathcote.org/pcedu.shtml
Heathcote Center in Freeland, MD was one of the first organizations to offer permaculture education in the United States.  The program is headed up by Karen Stupski, a student of Dawn Shiners.

Sustainable Living

Blue Rock Station http://www.bluerockstation.com/
Sustainable living education center, located near Zanesville, OH.  Features regular workshops and activities on green living topics.


Central PA Vegans, sign up for email list here: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/centralparawvegans
Monthly meeting of people interested in plant-based eating, potluck and sometimes program.

FarmKind http:www.farmkind.org
Farmer Brown, a former dairy farmer, helps farmers transition from animal-based to plant-base agriculture.

Kathy Pollard, http://www.plantbasedkathy.com/
State College based instructor for the T. Colin Campbell Nutrition Studies program.

Vegan Cats http://vegancats.ning.com/
Online community for people raising their cats vegan.

Vegan/Vegetarian Communities http://vegnet.net/
VegNet, an online network for vegans and vegetarians in community and for inquirers seeking vegan or vegetarian communities.

Vegetarian homesteading http://www.geopathfinder.com/9628.html
Midwestern homesteading couple makes a great case for vegetarian homesteading.

World Peace Diet http://www.worldpeacediet.com/
Excellent overview of the impact of diet on our culture.

Ahimsa Village Community
� 2006 - 2023