Archived Page - Information is not current
Past Events
Building a Life in Harmony with Nature
Healing Our World: A Deeper Look at Food: The World Peace Diet -
Lecture Presentation and Music by Will Tuttle
Heart Teachings on the Dharma Path: A Lecture-Presentation by
Will Tuttle
Cottage for Rent - we have a small one
bedroom cottage for rent on the property. Perfect for a
hiker and/or gardener.
Learn more.
The Hungry Ghost Book Discussion Group
World Peace Diet Book Discussion Group -
learn about the World Peace Diet (a book written by Will Tuttle)
by getting involved with our book discussion group. We
meet 1-2x per month.
Learn more.
5/2013 - 3/2015:
Inner Transition Group - 1 & 3 Sundays at Unitarian Fellowship,
State College - Do you grieve at the
continued destruction of the natural world? Do you have anxities
and fears about how you will be able to make the transition to a
post-peak lifestyle? Then consider joining the new Inner
Transition Group. We meet monthly at the
Unitarian Fellowship in State College to provide
emotional/spiritual support and encouragement for making the
inner transition. Contact Bob Flatley at e4bob at for more information. July 27, 2013 6pm: Vegan Potluck,
Greenmore Gardens, Port Matilda, PA. Email mark at if you plan to attend. April 20,
2013, 6pm: Vegan Potluck, State College,
PA. Email hilary412 at if you plan to attend. November 10, 2012, 6pm: Vegan Potluck, State
College, PA. Email morse.laura at if you plan to
attend. November 17, 2012: Inner Transition
Group Gathering. Hosted in PA Furnace. Contact Sunny at
livingpotentials at if you are interested in
attending. 9/15/12 - Change of Heart: An Inner Transition
Workshop with Andrew McKinnon -
Complete Details
Ralph Borsodi and Education Seminar: Three
of the 17 Problems, Workshop - Sept. 24-25, 2011:
Sept 10, 2011: Holocracy Workshop.
Sept. 24-25, 2011:
Borsodi Workshop
Ralph Borsodi and Education
Seminar: Three of the 17 Problems, July 23-24, 2011 - Learn
Feb - Mar:
Maple Sugaring - if interested in participating contact Kelle
Kersten at
April 23:
Food for Energy Workshop with Jen Nadenicek. Program
starts at 7PM. Please contact
for details.
Feb 19:
Life of Ralph Borsodi -
Unsung American Back to the Land Pioneer with
Bill Sharp.
Complete details (pdf)
Mar 12:
Farming, Food, and
Meat: How we got here and where do we go from here? with
Claire Holzner.
Complete details (pdf)
Floating Lotus Meditation
and Council Circle of the
Zen Peacemaker Order. Meditation, Kinhin, and Council Circle.
7PM (most Mondays, contact Kelle at or call 814-355-0850 to confirm.
Jan 8:
Gas Drilling, Fracking
and our Environment with Wayne Hansen.
Complete Details (pdf)
Nov 13:
Saturday Night Talk: Howard Finster's Paradise Garden by Chuck Cave.
Details and flyer.
June 22 - August 24:
Youth Summer Camp, details to follow. Contact
Kelle to get
Sept 17-19:
Pennsylvania Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living Festival,
Kempton PA - the School of Living will have a table.
Fall/Winter 10-11
Sustainability Talk Series
(please email
Bob Flatley if you'd like
to speak or to suggest a topic or speaker)
May 22:
Make and Grow Your Own Raised-Bed Vegetable Garden Workshop.
here for complete details.
May 23:
Taking Heart in Tough
Times: An Interactive Workshop based on the Teachings of Joanna
Macy with Sunny Rehler.
Complete details
May 16, 2010:
The Enneagram: A
Technique for Guiding Life and Living
with Bill
Sharp. A Half Day Workshop. Sunday, May 16th from
2-6pm. Complete
details (pdf).
April 30 Friday
at 7:30PM, Lecture by Bob Flatley:
Characteristics of Success: An Investigation of the Factors
Associated with Success in Intentional Communities.
Complete details (pdf)
April 21, 2010 at
7:30, Transition
Town State College presents film showing and discussion of "The
Power of Community" at the Friends Meeting House, State College.
More details to follow. Contact Jackie Bonomo at
February - March:
Maple Sugaring - contact
Kelle if you'd like to volunteer.
March 28, 2010:
Transition Town
Meeting, 12:30PM. For more information contact Bill Sharp at
March 12, 2010:
Film Showing of The Shift by Wayne Dyer - 7:30PM followed by
March 5, 2010:
An evening of sacred chants, songs and dances of universal peace
at O-An Zendo. Click
here for complete details.
February 12, 2010:
Drum Circle workshop with Carol Lindsay. Click
here for
complete details and flyer (pdf).
January 8, 2010:
Building Strong
Local Economies and Community with Bill Sharp.
Click here
for complete details and flyer (pdf).
Saturday mornings:
Zazen meditation - Floating
Lotus Zendo.
Learn more.
December 11, 2009:
Friday Night Talk -
Green Buddhism: Using the Ancient Buddha Way to Meet Our 21st
Century Environmental Crisis with Steve Kanji Ruhl.
More info
November 13, 2009:
Friday Night Talk - Sustaining Integrity with Rosalind Jiko
McIntosh -
more info
November 1, 2009:
Getting Past 'Us
Versus Them': How Conflict Management Workshop at the Friends
Meeting House, State College.
Learn more.
October 25:
Whole Earth Body/Mind Wilderness Experience - Black Moshannon
More info. Contact Rosalind McIntosh at
October 17, 2009:
Apple Canning Workshop.
here for more details.
October 18, 2009:
The Philosophy of Henry George, a workshop with Mike Curtis of
the School of Living. Click
here for more details.
September 18 - 20:
PA Renewable Energy and
Sustainable Living Festival, Kempton, PA
September 12:
Floating Lotus Zendo, Zen
sitting, Walking meditation, and Council Circle.
More information
Summer Camp 2009 - Every Tuesday 9AM - 4PM
- Starting June 23, 2009!!!!

Learn More
July 10 - 12,
Reaching In, Reaching Out -
an exploration and celebration of the School of Living.
Invitation and Registration Information
June 5 -7
- Creating Harmonious Relationships: Practice Nonviolent
Communication to Deepen Heart Connection with Martha Lasley.
Complete details and registration form (pdf).
Cancelled due to low attendance.
March 28, 2009
Benefit Concert for Ahimsa Village featuring Cole Hons.
details and flyer (pdf). Cost $12.
February 13, 2009
Energy Policy and Best Practices for both your Home and
Community with
Laura Piraino of the PA Sierra Club. Program starts at 6:30PM
Complete details and flyer
January 9, 2009
- Nut Trees in Pennsylvania
with Scott DiLoreto of PSU. Talk at 6:30PM.
Complete details
and flyer (pdf)
12, 2008 - Friday Night Meeting -
Sustainable Landscaping with Jason Grottini of
EarthWORM International.
details and flyer (pdf)
November 14, 2008 - Friday Night Meeting - Sustainability Talk -
Homeopathy: What it is and how does it work with Bill Torretti
details (pdf)
November 1, 2008 -
Halloween Harvest Hoopla - come celebrate AV's 2nd Birthday!!!
More info
Summer Camp 2008
- Every Thursday 10AM - 4PM

Learn More
August 9 - Organic
Beekeeping Class with Liam Goble
Details (pdf)
June 13, 14, 15, 2008
Basic Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Workshop:
Friday, June 13 - Introduction to NVC - 7:00-9:00 pm
In this interactive workshop you will learn the basics of Nonviolent
Communication (NVC), a powerful method used around the world to resolve
conflicts and to develop inner peace. The NVC process is designed to
create a quality of connection among people in which everyone�s needs
are equally valued.
Complete details and flyer
Requested Contribution: $25
Saturday & Sunday, June 14-15 - The ABC's of Empowering Communication
- a transformational weekend based on Nonviolent Communication - 9:30 am
- 5:00 pm (both days)
In the ABCs of Empowering Communication, we dive into the mechanics
of communication with self and others, viewed through the lens of
Marshall Rosenberg�s Nonviolent Communication. Participants receive a
clear map and concrete directions for finding relief and peace of mind
around specific communication challenges. We request that those
without prior training in NVC attend the Friday evening introductory
workshop before attending.
Complete details and flyer
Requested Contribution: $245 (includes delicious vegan lunch for 2 days)
Facilitators for both workshops:
Francois Beausoleil
and Inessa Love
Requested Contribution: $25 for Friday; $245 for Saturday and
Sunday (includes delicious vegan lunch for 2 days).
Please click here for
registration form (pdf)

Contact Kelle at or 814-355-0850 with questions or for
more information.
May 2008 - Announcing the Village Green -
a new local market in Julian, PA - the first Saturday of each month!!!!
Learn more (pdf)

Kick off Dinner - May 24
(pdf) | Vendor Info
April 2008 - Check out the article on
Ahimsa Village in the April issue of Voices
April 26, 2008 - Mushroom Workshop with Mark Cohen
workshop with Mark Cohen, Saturday, April 26 from 9am - 5pm. Learn
about shitake, oyster, maitake, and reishi mushroom production from log
inoculation through harvest. Hands-on portion of the workshop will
involve inoculation of the logs. Participants will also learn about the
ecological role of mushrooms as decomposers and will learn about using
mushrooms in permaculture systems.
Cost: $45 includes full-day instruction,
light snack and beverages (please bring your own lunch).
Print out form (pdf)
and mail with check for $45 to Ahimsa Village. Deadline - April 19.
Questions: Contact Kelle Kersten at
16 - 20, 2008 - Yurt
Building Workshop with Bill Coperthwaite -
Flyer and Registration
Form (pdf)

Multi-day Yurt building workshop with Bill Coperthwaite of the Yurt
Foundation. This workshop will walk you through the entire process
of building a yurt. Includes 5 days of instruction and hands-on
activities, vegan meals, camping or floor space (rooms are available at
adjoining Julian Woods Community for a very reasonable rate of
$25/night). Total cost $320.
Registration open!
About Bill Coperthwaite: teacher, author, builder, and
homesteader, Bill has dedicated his life to learning from the
craftspeople of ancient cultures and applying their indigenous
technology to modern materials and design. An innovative educator, Bill
has used the classroom, seminars and hands-on workshops to instill in
those who will listen, a vision for a simpler life, a more intimate
relationship with the environment, and an approach to "democratic"
design in which all participate in the creation of their life and
culture. Bill is founder of the Yurt Foundation, a nonprofit educational
organization established to gather folk knowledge from the cultures of
the world and place it in a contemporary framework, creating a reservoir
of ideas for designing ways of living that are simpler, more beautiful
and more just. More info at
Contact Bob Flatley,,
814-355-0850 for more information.
17, 2008 - Yurt Slideshow with Bill Coperthwaite
- hosted at O-An Zendo, Julian Woods Community
Come join us for an entertaining evening
with Bill Coperthwaite as he shows slides of and describes the joys of
yurt building.
This event will start at 7:30PM and be held at the O-An Zendo, Julian
Woods Community. We are asking for a $5 donation for the evening.
Contact: Bob Flatley,
814-355-0850 for more information.
March 14, 2008 - Listen
to the Grandmothers with Cole Hons
the Grandmothers from the four directions speak, a new time is coming."
Come learn about and celebrate the International Council of
13 Indigenous Grandmothers. View footage from their upcoming
documentary, "For the Next 7 Generations: The Grandmothers Speak." Hear
readings from their book, "Grandmothers Counsel the World: Women Elders
Offer Their Vision for Our Planet." Enjoy poetry and music by local
artists. Program facilitated by Cole Hons, a State College-based
journalist, singer/songwriter, and multimedia producer. None of the 13
Grandmothers will be present, but they have blessed Cole's outreach
efforts on their behalf.
Soup and bread at 6pm,
followed by program at 7pm. Please RSVP to,
814-355-0850 by February 10 if you plan to join us for dinner. Suggested
donation $5 benefits the Ahimsa Education Committee.
For more info about the 13 grandmothers visit:
Click here for
flyer (pdf)
February 15, 2008 -
Challenges and
Opportunities for Traditional Communities in the Amazon Rainforest with
Campbell Plowden
Indigenous and other traditional communities in the Amazon face intense
pressures from loggers, ranchers, miners, and colonists. They also feel
pressed to clear forests to improve their livelihoods. Campbell
Plowden, PhD, recently started the Center for Amazon Community
Ecology to promote forest conservation and sustainable
development in the Amazon. Dr. Plowden will talk about his work in
the Amazon region and the Center. Soup and bread at 6pm,
followed by program at 7pm. Please RSVP to,
814-355-0850 by February 10 if you plan to join us for dinner.
After Dr. Plowden�s presentation, attendees will be invited to view and
purchase a variety of jewelry and other handicrafts made by traditional
communities in Brazil and Peru. For more information about the Center
Suggested donation $5 benefits the Ahimsa Education Committee.
Donations also welcomed for the Center.
Click here for
complete details and a flyer (pdf)
January 11, 2008 -
Sustainable Relationships with Martha Lasley
this workshop you�ll use the NonViolent Communication model to build
sustainable relationships, even when you feel triggered. Expand your
emotional literacy and needs awareness to deepen heart connections and
unlock human potential. Support authentic communication by understanding
what really motivates people. This interactive workshop is based on the
work of Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D., the author of Non-Violent
Communication: A Language of Life. Learn how to create your life, your
relationships and your world in harmony with your values. Martha
Lasley is the Director of
for Leadership that Works, a coaching and training firm in Troy,
PA. This event is part of a new series of Sustainability Talks sponsored
by Ahimsa Village. Please R.S.V.P. to Sunny at 814-353-8582 or if you plan to come so we can make
enough soup and bread! Vegan soup and bread at 6pm, followed by program
at 7pm.
Click here for complete details and a printable flyer (pdf)
Donate to our 2008 Edible
Landscaping Project and Become a �Friend of Ahimsa Village�
help grow our formal membership process we are inviting you to
participate in Ahimsa Village's 2008 edible landscaping donation drive.
Click here to
learn more (pdf)!
December 22, 2007 -
Winter Solstice Celebration
Ahimsa Village Farmhouse, 4 pm. Vegetarian potluck will
follow-please bring food to share. Most likely this will be an
indoor event but if the weather turns balmy we will have a bonfire.
Bring candles and candlestick holders and instruments. We want you
to participate in creating the ceremony if you wish:
* Help create the altar by bringing an artifact that represents the
solstice for you
* Help create the ceremony by reading a poem, singing, dancing, playing
Hope you will join us for a joyful celebration of the season!!!
Please RSVP to Kelle at 355-0850,
December 14, 2007 -
Planning for Peak Oil
"Civilization as we know it is coming to an end soon.
This is not the wacky proclamation of a doomsday cult, apocalypse bible
prophecy sect, or conspiracy theory society. Rather, it is the
scientific conclusion of the best paid, most widely-respected
geologists, physicists, bankers, and investors in the world. These are
rational, professional, conservative individuals who are absolutely
terrified by a phenomenon known as global Peak Oil." --- Matt Savinar,
editor of
Join us for a frank discussion
about what we can do about peak oil on Friday, December 14, 2007
at the Ahimsa farmhouse. Please come prepared to make concrete
commitments Joe and Helen Fahy will be giving a brief talk on
peak oil and what they are doing to prepare for it at their homestead in
the Penn�s Valley area of Centre County.
Soup and bread at 6pm, followed by program at
This will be followed by a planning session/discussion on how to
Click here for complete
details and flyer (pdf)
November 9, 2007 -
Dowsing - useful or bunk?
Is it true that some people are capable of finding
water or other things with a stick or other dowsing rod? Ever
wonder about your ability to dowse? Come see the movie
Dowsing Mom shown at the Ahimsa Farmhouse with light dinner of
vegetarian soup and bread at 6 p.m., movie at 7 p.m., on Friday,
November 9, 2007. After the movie, discussion will be lead by local
dowser and shaman Bill Russell. This event is part of a new series
of Sustainability Talks sponsored by Ahimsa Village Community. Please
R.S.V.P. to Jackie Bonomo at 814-234-5569 or if you
plan to come so we can make enough soup and bread!
Suggested Donation: $5 benefits the Ahimsa Education Committee
Click here to view flyer -
please post (pdf)
October 27 - 28, 2007
- Creative Outlets - a body centered expressive arts workshop
Professional Training Course for professional healers, therapists,
health care workers and people interested in developing their full
potential. Beginners Level � 2-day residential training. Expressive
Arts & Energetic healing practice for everyday use with you and your
For complete
details and a registration form click here (pdf).
October 12, 2007 - Friday
Night Meetings at Ahimsa Village - Showing and discussion of film "What
a Way to Go."
What: Come join us for a new series of monthly meetings on
sustainability issues sponsored by the Ahimsa Education Committee.
These monthly sessions will feature wholesome soup and bread followed by
a talk or workshop on an issue related to sustainability. This
month will feature the showing of a powerful new documentary "What a Way
to Go: Life at the End of Empire" - After the film people are
encouraged to stay and talk. The
discussion will be facilitated by Barbara Anderson, retired philosophy
professor, founder of the Center for Sustainability at PSU and the O-An
When: Friday, 10/12 @ Soup at 6PM; film 6:30 - 8:30 pm;
discussion 9-10pm
Where: O-An Zendo at Julian Woods Community, Julian Woods Lane,
Julian, PA 16844
Suggestion Donation: $5 benefits the Ahimsa Education Committee
Please post flyer and spread
the word!
October 5-7, 2007 -
School of Living Quarterly Meeting @ Julian Woods Community
Learn about the School of Living, a pioneer of community land trusts and
permaculture. There will be a tour of Ahimsa Village.
August 26, 2007: New Pictures -
added to Pond, Summer camp, Garden

Check out the
newest pictures.
August 2007 - Pond Construction
We just completed a major
upgrade/expansion of the Ahimsa pond.
View pictures.
August 26, 2007: Logo Contest

This is your chance to make your mark
(literally) on Ahimsa Village Community...
We are encouraging all you designers and artists out there to come up
with a logo for the community. We are hoping to have something that
captures the vision of Ahimsa village.
Please submit your design by Sept. 30th. The winner's work will be
incorporated into the web site and signage for the community with
appropriate credit. The winner will also receive a special gift package
from AVC.
Thursdays at AV - Summer
Camp 2007 (Starting June 21 for 11 weeks)
What: Summer Program for Kids
Who: Kids, 5 years old and older
When: Thursdays, starting June 21, 10 am-4 pm
Where: Ahimsa Village Community, 4022 S. Eagle Valley Road,
Cost: $100 for 11 weeks if prepaid in full, otherwise $12 per
week. Fee includes nutritious lunch and snack. A limited number of
scholarships are available upon request.
What to bring: Hats, sunscreen, long pants, shorts, swimming
suits, towels, gloves for gardening, jackets, rain gear
Registration/Questions: Contact Kelle Kersten at 355-0850 or or print out
and form (pdf)
Activities will include: Gardening, food preparation, hiking,
environmental education, soap-making, weaving, yoga, music, art, field
trips, swimming and much more...
Sponsored by the Huston Township Park and Recreation
August 12, 2007- Ahimsa Village
Barn/Education Center Green Designs Review
This is the 2nd presentation of the
Village Community designs which also provide a venue as a 'student art
and design exhibit' during the summer and probably to continue into the
2007-08 academic year. The presentation are scheduled for review,
Sunday, August 12th, 10 -12 noon, 301 Eng Unit A jury space, University
Park Campus. lease feel free to view the exhibit any time before, during
or even after presentations. Since security officials require the jury
space to be locked and only card/swipe accessible for students, public
viewing is by appointment. Email: Prof Richard Alden at to
set up date and time.
August 25-26 - School of
Living Gathering at Ahimsa Village and Julian Woods Communities
Please save the date - 2-day educational event will feature art, music,
and workshops. More details to follow.
July 14 - 1st Annual Ahimsa
School of Living Education Committee Benefit Dinner
Why: Learn about and support Ahimsa SOL Education Committee
community outreach programs. Suggested donation $20-25 (tax
deductible receipts available).
Where: Turtle Lane Cafe, Julian Woods Community, Julian Woods
Road (follow Turtle signs), Julian, PA 16844
When: Saturday, July 14, 4- 7pm.
4pm - Ahimsa
Village Tour (4022 S. Eagle Valley Rd, Julian 16844)
5pm -
Vegetarian dinner and dessert @ Turtle Lane
Post dinner -
Music Jam - bring an instrument!
May 19 - Ahimsa Village
Workday: Blueberry fencing
Please come participate in a "Village Workday" starting at
We will be building a locust post fence around the blueberry patch next
to the pond. Bring your work clothes and gloves. Specific details of project
will be discussed that week. Vegan lunch provided. Please
RSVP if coming - or 814-355-0850.
May 18 & 19,
An interactive exploration about human survival into the future.
Vegetarian potluck dinner on Friday,
May 18 followed by program on evolutionary
enlightenment. Dinner starts at 6:30pm.
Program from 7-9pm. Saturday program at noon. Philosopher and community founder Robert
Forsberg will lead the discussion. Please RSVP if coming - or 814-355-0850
Click Here for Complete Details about this
program (pdf)
April 21-22 (Saturday -
A two-day training in AVP or "Alternatives to Violence Project"
Saturday, April 21, Sunday, April 22, 2007
9AM - 5PM both days, cost $50 total.
Hosted at Ahimsa Farmhouse, 4022 S. Eagle Valley Rd, Julian, PA
Click Here for Complete
details and registration information (pdf)
April 5-7,
2007 (Thursday - Saturday):
Permaculture Design
Workshop @ Ahimsa Village Community
Taught by Mark
Cohen, Community Founder and Permaculture Teacher.
Learn about Permaculture design AND help AVC develop a community plan in
the process!
Click Here for Complete details and Registration Form (pdf)
Hosted at Ahimsa Farmhouse, 4022 S. Eagle Valley Rd,
Julian, PA
View pictures of the Permaculture event at our Flickr site.
April 21, 2008 -
Spoon Making Workshop with Bill Coperthwaite
One-day mini-workshop with Bill
Coperthwaite. Participants will make their own wooden spoon.
Monday, April 21, 9am to 5pm, Cost $55 (or $100 total if signing up for
both mini-workshops).
Contact or
814-355-0850 with questions.
Click here for more
information and registration form (pdf).
April 22, 2008 - Bowl Making Workshop with Bill Coperthwaite
One-day mini-workshop with Bill
Coperthwaite. Participants will make their own wooden bowl.
Tuesday, April 22, 9am to 5pm, Cost $55 (or $100 total if signing up for
both mini-workshops).
Contact or
814-355-0850 with questions.
Click here for more
information and registration form (pdf).